all postcodes in WV11 / WOLVERHAMPTON

find any address or company within the WV11 postcode district

Postcode Area

WV / Wolverhampton

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
WV11 3AA 11 0 52.610053 -2.078426
WV11 3AB 22 0 52.609741 -2.077782
WV11 3AD 18 0 52.610056 -2.077576
WV11 3AE 48 0 52.611018 -2.077725
WV11 3AF 29 0 52.609868 -2.076054
WV11 3AG 20 0 52.608816 -2.07589
WV11 3AH 10 0 52.609042 -2.074827
WV11 3AJ 30 0 52.610318 -2.074874
WV11 3AL 47 0 52.611128 -2.073457
WV11 3AN 25 0 52.610947 -2.0752
WV11 3AP 36 0 52.611498 -2.071715
WV11 3AQ 42 0 52.609689 -2.074311
WV11 3AR 27 0 52.611057 -2.072512
WV11 3AS 8 0 52.610059 -2.072525
WV11 3AT 8 0 52.610554 -2.071034
WV11 3AU 38 0 52.610942 -2.068909
WV11 3AW 60 0 52.611298 -2.075717
WV11 3AX 17 0 52.61131 -2.070371
WV11 3AY 11 0 52.612209 -2.071096
WV11 3AZ 49 0 52.611707 -2.068363